  1. «Toonmeesters #5. Galina Oestvolskaja». Reinbert de Leeuw performs and analyses the music of Ustvolskaya, talks in German with Ustvolskaya in her apartment, the film features B. Tischenko and A. Sanin. Directed by Cherry Duyns, VPRO Holland (1994) (57:00). Ustvolskaya protested against the publication of this movie, because of the interview with Boris Tischenko who said lies about her personal life.
  2. «Galina Oestvolskaja». Reinbert de Leeuw plays Sonata No. 5 in St. Petersburg State Academic Capella. Directed by Cherry Duyns, VPRO (1994) (21:23)
  3. «Galina Ustvolskaya. The music of subconscious», «Tsarskaya Lozha» programme, author: Zoya Belyaeva, «Kultura» channel, Russia (2004) (38:00)
  4. «Galina Ustvolskaya». A visit to the composer's apartment, an interview with her in Russian. Directed by Joseé Voormans, VPRO (2004) (10:00)
  5. «Violin Sonata», performed by Vera Beths, Reinbert de Leeuw. Directed by Odette Toeset, VPRO (2004) (21:30)
  6. «Scream into Space» («Schreeuw in het heelal»). Dedicated the recording of the Symphony № 2 in Amsterdam. Directed by Joseé Voormans, VPRO (2005) (33:30)
  7. «Symphony № 2», conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw, directed by Odette Toeset, VPRO (2005) (23:30)
  8. «Galina Ustvolskaya. The music of subconscious», new version, author: Zoya Belyaeva, «Kultura» channel, Russia (2009) (12:00)
  9. «Poem № 1 and Concerto for piano», performed by Reinbert de Leeuw, directed by Rob van der Berg, Holland (2010) (41:30)
  10. «Trio», Performed by Pierre Woudenberg, Pauline Post and Joe Puglia for Vrije Geluiden, VPRO (2011) (15:21)

Films Nos 3, 4 and 6 include interviews with the composer.


  1. Olga Gladkova "Galina Ustvolskaya: Muzika kak navazhdenie (Music as Bewitchment)" (Muzyka, St. Petersburg, 1999, 160 p. in Russian)
    Includes the authorised biography of G. Ustvolskaya, an interview with the composer, and analysis of her music.
  2. Olga Gladkowa «Galina Ustwolskaja: Musik als magische Kraft» (Ernst Kuhn, Berlin 2001, 154 p.)
    Olga Gladkova's book, translated into German without Ustvolskaya's words on Shostakovich
  3. Simon Bokman «Variations on the Theme: Galina Ustvolskaya» (Ernst Kuhn, Berlin 2007, 172 p.)
    The book is written by a former student of G. Ustvolskaya, now living in the USA. It is not authorized by Ustvolskaya's estate, was published after her death and, unfortunately, does not serve as a reliable source of factual information about the composer.
  4. Kurt Anglet «Detonation des Schweigens. Galina Ustwolskaja zum Gedächtnis» (echter 2008, 80 p.)
  5. Sam Popowich «Galina Ustvolskaya: Orthodoxy and Transgression in Soviet Music» (Lambert 2012, 168 p.)
  6. Andreas Holzer, Tatjana Markovic «Galina Ivanovna Ustvolskaja: Komponieren als Obsession» (Böhlau 2013, 299 p.)
  7. Natalia Vasilieva «Galina Ustvolskaya» (Kompozitor, St. Petersburg, 2014, 168 p. in Russian) Buy

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